03 March 2010

"who's the dead man sending you flowers, Olivia?"

those are the words written by spencer to me
in response to my italian stallion sending me flowers.
alli, my mom & i laughed until we were sick
e. bruzaferro also wrote me a little note:
"who is the man sending you flowers?
i'm going to send him a letter full of poison!"
(which by the way was in portuguese & i had to translate which made me laugh again until i was sick.)
getting letters makes me so happy it's sickening.


  1. kay, why am i the last one to know about the dead man sending you flowers??

    haha, i obviously have a lot of catching up to do when i get home in t minus 13 days!!?

    anyways, you have no need to punch that evans kid in the weiner. just send him a letter full of poison. haha, just kidding!

    i love you sissy spacic. miss you like the sun misses the flower. like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter.


  2. You are so funny...cracked me up :)
