06 March 2010

snow fall

when it snowed the other night, yeah, that was for me.
sorry all of you who thought or hoped winter was over.
i just needed one more snow fall to remember spencer.
& it worked & what a tender mercy it was. xoxo.


  1. i'm glad that it was for you, cause i was beginning to think what the carp (ha ha). i'm glad you had a great week last week. thanks again for helping with the kiddos, you're awesome.

  2. I can't wait for spinners to get home and you can frolic in the snow together. :)

  3. you know, we think you put OLIVIA to shame. i am glad to see you find joy in the snow. i sure love you sista.

  4. I'm glad it made you happy :) Love ya! Sorry to hear about your grampa passing away this morning. You all are definitely in our thoughts and prayers!
