10 March 2010

remedy for a little sadness

taking the birthday girl - pudgey, ethan, and maters
on a ride around the parking lot for liz so she could
get the ingredients for what paige told me was a
"dolly cake"she also told me that liz was such a
"good mom" i agreed and ethan did too, BUT he said
she somtimes puts him in time out. i told ethan
that's exactly what makes his mom such a good mom,
if she didn't put him in timeout she wouldn't even
care about him and that would make her a bad mom.
ethan sighed and said "sometimes i just wish she was
a bad MOM!" pure genius. liz told me when she got in the
car that when ethan was in time out today he took a picture
of him and her and scratched out her face. i think i remember
looking at liz's class picture from 3rd grade and brandon bowen's
face was scratched out. yep, a remedy. now i'm snacking on
some mambas, next i'll destroy the rolos then i'll pound my 32oz
dr. pepper. thanks sugar for pulling through, yet once again.


  1. Oh, little Ethan. How I loved that kid when he was born. I sure do wish I knew his cute self today. I hope things get better for you Lib. I truly am sorry about your gramps. Please tell your family hi for me and how much I love them and are praying for your guy's comfort at this difficult time. Let me know if you need anything...even if it's more sugar. :) Love you!

  2. Oh that is hi-larious!!! What a cutie...and if sugar is waht gets you through...bring it on :) I'm game to go get a Dr. Pepper with you anytime :)
