29 September 2009

a gift from you to ME?

my new ride
pictured above is the sweetheart who dropped this little 
beauty off at my house right before he moved to denver to 
work on his tan.  the bike didn't have a name but since
 spencer has a purple free spirit cruiser named brittney &
 this cruiser is blue & a good time, i named him josh.  
i took josh for a ride last night, rode by little chicago, very scary


  1. I am just really forward to Archies great tan. That Denver does it to ya everytime. He truly is a great little friend. Josh and Brittney are inspiring most new names these days...drake has proven to be great and so will the bikes

  2. Oh my heck, how fun! You just made my day! When this weather clears up you'll have to bring Josh out to Salt Lake and we can go for a "cruisin" ride.

  3. i just realized that i've been commenting and i haven't been doing the freakin word verifications EVER and so none of them have shown up. anywho, i need to get to denver too, i'm pretty pale. i wonder if archie confused denver colorado, with california. he's just out laying out and wondering why he's covered in goosebumps. i was just laughing my head off picturing his confusion
