28 September 2009

alexis caroline

practically perfect in everyway champion completely selfless a beautiful human being
leave, but don't leave me.
an ode to my sister, my beautiful sister
long toes support a queen
a jagged white scar, a trophy for many lands
strong humble legs reflect a life
an old "port angeles" sweatshirt stained with wisdom
long arms sun tanned in hard work
fingers who touched only beautiful things
lips that floated all kind words
eyes that looked beyond the world
magnificent virtue that glows without tarnish
precious and beautiful
my sister, my beautiful sister


  1. wow great ode and great pictures to capture our perfect sista. i hope you are doing ok with your best friend leaving and catching a cold. we love you and think of you often. great posts olive.

  2. thoreau, whitman, rutherma, the biggies . . .

    you really captured her

  3. I can hardly imagine losing such a person. She is the best but so are you. Love you

  4. Love the ode, love my first-born in the wilderness, and I love Lucy -Jonny
