01 December 2011

Wind, you totally killed my Christmas buzz...

Sent with love from Olivia

here are pictures of the wind storm that totally ravaged Davis county. the wreckage is unbelievable, hundreds of fallen trees, tipped semis, and broken tree houses. these pictures are taken from my sisters lizs house. my prayers are with all those who are suffering. xoxo


  1. I've been checking your old blog thinking there might be something poppin up...big mistake! crazy pics here and i love your white tree. can't wait to see you.

  2. lu lu again we are in the same boat. i just asked olivia what was up and was directed here. the wind was a buzz kill but all the volunteering brought the buzz back alive. cool pics

  3. Think on the bright side, all those fallen 100 year old trees calls for lots of 100 year old christmas trees! Cut the top off!
