13 September 2010

the vacation from H.E.aven

my amazing get away to nashville went as follows:
first day friday suprise MANI & PEDIES!!!
second day saturday suprise
anna's birthday partywith all the best people ever
third day monday suprising liz who i nannied for and
she pretended to faint to the floor, when i saw
lauren the now 5 year old who i nannied
i said "lauren, it's me, olivia" she stood up and
looked around "where's olivia?" i said "right here"
she was so suprised and it was so sweet.
liz, m, emily, me, and anna
third day tuesday suprise was eating a delicious meal from
jim n nicks, best cheesy corn bread in the world
fourth day wednesday suprise pancake pantry, jeff's old folks home
&.... road trip to north carolina to see em and jon
fifth day thursday suprise going to chapel hill and the art museum
eating a delicious middle eastern lunch, real good olives
sixth day friday suprise soccer fun and watching garden state
seventh day saturday suprise road trip back to nashville and the PIXIES
eighth day suprise last day at church saying good bye to all my loved ones.
i love nashville, i love the people, i love the food,
i love the spirit, i love the hospitality, i love the greenery,
i love the weather, i love the love that you feel in the south.
i love nashville & i love nashville because i love the
gospel and the gospel is what motivates all this love.
i laughed, i cried, but most importantly i came home with
a new invigorated view on life, and ladies and gents
life is good from this view.


  1. birthday parties, pretend faintings, good food, soccer, pixies and "good ol suthern hospitality" what more could a person want. those are some great happy pictures. i love em showing her true love for jon by giving his ear a little tug for the pic. now that count down til the end of the month and then my trip to the south!

  2. we miss you darling! the girls REALLY miss you- thank you for coming to visit us, the house is never locked and the fridge is rarely full but you are always welcome!

  3. WOW! Sounds like a great vacation, with great people!

  4. that does sound heavenly. i'm glad you had the best time ever.

  5. loved that amazing trip. especially when you and rasputin waltzed into my abode at 1am!! loved spending that time with you sister, and really loved seeing so many people who just adore you.
