02 September 2010

i wondered

have we ever taken a good picture together?
but alas!  i FINALLY found one....
or this one?  i think it's a tie.
if you didn't laugh or puke you are crazy.


  1. man, those pictures are worth a million words! you two lovebirds look radiant in the last picture

  2. Those pictures are amazing! I kind of want to superimpose mine ad Drew's face into them! I wish we had rad hair like you guys! I didn't know you had a blog! Thanks for your comment! Can't wait to stalk your life, haha! Jk! But seriously!

  3. cody laughed as hard as we did last night when i showed him the picture. he was like, "tell me olivias hair is a wig." you are one funny little cat.

  4. Love them! Are you on the downward stretch of your countdown? :)

  5. Libby! Um of course I remember you, come on jr high wasnt that long ago;)
    Let's do dinner with the girls.. soon. You tell me when and I'll get shells, chels and whoever else together. That'll be fun!
    call or email me and we'll plan something.

    cute pics!
