07 July 2010

something beautiful is about to happen

these two cats get to be companions for wright's last transfer!
here is a little written genius from spencer's last email:
"I live with elder mendonça, elder bruzaferro, and elder wright.
Bruzaferro again can you believe it?
the kid is like a bad rash that won´t go away
and the more you itch it the worse it gets.
It´s all good though, the kid will always have a special part in my heart.
These last three months are going to be the best of my whole mission,
you people can count on that one.
There is seriously so much stuff to do."
& it wouldn't be beautiful if bruzaferro wasn't there
throwin up the horns and partying like a rockstar.

1 comment:

  1. what in the world are those two doing in the first picture?? that can not be good for wright's back:)

    I hope, hope, hope to meet bruza one day.
