26 April 2010

love this guy

"I want to tell you and all the people, that i can die now. I´ve officially lived and experienced everything. Lemme explain. I live in a house here with 3 other missionaries, one is a new american elder from Utah, he´s a complete genius, but he has deep knowledge about video games and is completely addicted. one of the best things that he said this week was, "I miss my computer screen wallpaper, starcraft 2, a desolate galaxy with a robot warrior." yesterday i asked this elder if he liked to play world of warcraft, and if he was any good, he responded: "I was a level 5 shaman with inpenetratable armor". Then he talked to me for an hour straight about world of warcraft. It changed my life. I love this elder, he´s passed every AP math and chemistry class that exists and he was studying at the U, chemical engineering. He´s never kissed a girl or gotten into any real kind of trouble. This week this elder called me "Peter Priesthood". I GOT CALLED PETER PRIESTHOOD. I never thought that this day would come, but it happened. In this life I´ve lived it all."
-Elder Peter Priesthood Swalberg


  1. Never thought I would hear that either! I am so proud of Peter Priesthood Swalberg. He is an amazing missionary.

  2. peter priesthood and our very own molly mormon (you). i am proud of you both.

  3. this might be my favorite story from spinners. i laughed so hard at the impenetrable armor, and that sweet little zealot, he's really killin it! i think lulu would love this story!
