01 November 2009

halloween partay

tiger lilly 
this was my best attempt to photo my whole get up
this is for mimi-i think the race is on for longest nose
the sheriff, yo, & tiger lilly having a good time
& this kid looks just like robbie swalberg
i think he was trying to be robert for halloween
he looked exactly like him.  so wierd.  
yeah, peter criss from kiss showed up along with
his parter ace frehley
 (the whole band excluding gene simmons, pretty clever)
looks like my tongue is way longer though 
and my eyes are a little 
more crooked for sure i think its a reflex
the tongue comes out and my eyes cross.
yep & that's how i partayed halloween 2009.
my only regret is that i didn't listen to the monster mash in memory
of SPENCER SWALBERG maybe next year? definitley next year.
mr swalberg will be home next halloween, boo yeah.


  1. great get up and looks like a great party. now i am looking forward to halloween next year and what spinners will bring.

  2. Could you be any cuter!? Nope you are darling! The end.

  3. Looks like you had a great time. you know I am the tallest and have the longest shnaaaz!
