13 October 2009

so excited i can't wait

to get home because spencer wrote &
i got two letters just waiting for me patiently at home
i cannot tell you how much i love this boy.
p.s. today in my letter that i sent to spencer
i sent about 100 packets of crest white
strips, please please please pray
they make it to the good land of brazil
if anyone has attempted to send crest white strips
through the US mail system and was
successful please leave a comment.
until then i will just be praying my guts out that
elder swalberg will indeed recieve my little
package of love.
(with all the coca cola classic and terrere he's
drinking he's bound to desperately need this act of love)
the sd card was in that blessed
envelope too* i guess i was really feeling lucky today
d&c 121:7 gave me power, maybe a little too
much power, who sends crest white strips to brazil
in a small white envelope through the US postal service?

1 comment:

  1. so is terrere just like jon's drink of choice? (i didn't even want to attempt the spelling) i think you may have to worry...i bet many of the good people of brazil would love a pack of 100 white strips. no really i am sure spinners will be laughing his guts out at the contents on the SD cards and smiling bigger showing his pearly whites
