20 August 2009


josh, bubba, alexis, colton, annie, vanessa & i got to spend some real good quality family time today we all went on a hike but rocco almost killed over so we cut it short. i am so grateful for my family.
wow, i just published this post then blew
up the picture so i could see it in big world;
not the greatest picture but a real good time

den mothers

alexis & i love being den mothers, i think this week our boys were a little weirded out with us.  it was native american week and how could we not go all out? p.s. alexis did say she sort of felt like a creeper wearing a dream catcher necklace, i told her not to worry that feeling goes away with time!  
i bought these boots like 2 months ago & i thought when am i ever going to put these to good use? who knew scouts could expand your wardrobe in such a way? this is a good life.

18 August 2009

my two best friends

easton listens to some good music

elder spencer swalberg in cuiaba brasil

spencer is so perfect
oh wow, i swear i've seen this before
a very classy fedora.
men crossing their legs, just perfect spencer is an amazing chef i love these pictures spencer is good at posing & sometimes i wonder
spencer's friend must be related to keith barton spencer & the others look like a hobbits in this photo, but really spencer's companion is 6 foot 4 and the other tall friend is 6 foot 7, so the rest of them have no chance spencer chased this bird down and got a feather, the adventures of a crazy person i absolutely LOVE this picture, everything about it is just perfect spencer did not trust this little monkey, not one bit
so jealous this is fabio, he wasn't even a missionary then & he basically lived with spencer and his companion, he would even go to their meetings with them everyweek. he just got his call the forte lesa, brasil! i wonder who they convinced to take this amazing picture. i don't know why i like this picture so much, it looks like he is either really sad or really angry but i like it & spencer told me he has gained weight, i'm pulling a bs card

p.s. nice faux hock

awrekxsy and i back from our vision quests

nashville to utah


i had a wild streak and actually got my ears pierced with eva and gigi vanessa thought that this was so funny when she said it out loud my cousin mick who we made the journey across america with thought she was telling him to stop it was classic, almost as classic as vanessa drinking mick's chew spit about 700 miles later i can't believe these are the only pictures i have, i need to work on that

qs christmas party, lovely date: max pain

crazy christmas 2008

we had rad decorations, props to alexis for the light shows each night colton, alli and i where i used to work for the man, julie this is how we live colton, pants and i, right after pants broke his knee on the escalator at the university mall and him and colton got banned from the premiss, good times in utah county my room!

17 August 2009

loco in provo

i swear that place does something to your mind